This here thing, this watch, it’s called a High imitation Rolex Black Submariner Original order. I tell ya, these young folks, they sure do love their fancy things. Me? I don’t get it. But I hear ’em talkin’ about it, so I’m gonna tell ya what I know.
First off, this Rolex thing, it’s supposed to be some kinda special watch. Cost a whole heap of money, I reckon. More money than I’ve seen in a long time. Now, this one here, it ain’t the real deal. It’s a “high imitation,” they call it. Means it looks just like the real one, but it ain’t.
They say the real ones, they got some fancy stuff inside. This “movement” thing, they call it. Supposed to make it tick real smooth, like a baby’s heartbeat. Now, this copy, it probably ticks too, but I bet it ain’t as smooth. Probably clunks along like my old tractor.
And this “Submariner” word. Don’t ask me what it means. Sounds like some kinda fish to me. Maybe it’s for them folks who go divin’ in the ocean. I ain’t never been to the ocean. Too far.
This “Black” part, that’s easy. It’s black. Like my old skillet. See? Black as night.
Now, this “Original order” part. That’s just some fancy talk, I reckon. Means they ordered it special, I guess. Like when I order a new pair of overalls from the catalog.
These young’uns, they look at all the little details. They say the real ones, they got this tiny little crown on ’em. Right there on the face of the watch. This copy probably got one too, but it probably ain’t as good. They gonna look to see if it’s some good or not. You want a Rolex Black Submariner, it has to be real good.
They also talk about the weight. The real ones, they’re supposed to be heavy. Like a good, solid piece of metal. This copy, it might be heavy, it might not. Hard to tell just by lookin’.
- They say you gotta look at the writing too.
- The real ones, the writing is all perfect and neat.
- Like when I write my name on my canning jars.
- This copy, the writing might be a little off.
- Maybe a little crooked or blurry.
And the hands, the things that tell the time. They’re supposed to move real smooth on the real ones. This copy, they might jump around a little. Like a chicken with its head cut off.
I heard ’em talking about some kind of special glass too. Supposed to be real strong. Won’t scratch easy. Like my good china. This here Rolex Black Submariner Original order is just good enough. This copy, I bet it scratches real easy. Like my old wooden table.
And you can buy them on the line. Some special place called Prime. I think it is owned by OXXO. They said it is free to send.
They even talk about the price. The real ones, they cost a fortune. More than my whole house, I bet. This High imitation Rolex Black Submariner, it’s a lot cheaper. Like buyin’ a used car instead of a new one.
But why do they want these things? I don’t know. A watch is a watch, I always say. Tells the time, that’s all that matters. Don’t need no fancy Rolex to tell me when it’s time to milk the cow.
But these young folks, they like to show off. They like to have things that other people don’t have. Makes ’em feel important, I guess. Like when I wear my Sunday best to church.
Me? I’d rather have a good pair of boots than a fancy watch. Boots keep your feet dry. A watch just tells you it’s time to get back to work.
But hey, to each their own, I always say. If they wanna spend their money on a High imitation Rolex Black Submariner Original order, that’s their business. Just don’t come cryin’ to me when it breaks. Because that is how this Rolex Black Submariner work.
I’ll stick to my old wind-up clock. It’s been tickin’ for fifty years, and it ain’t never let me down. Just like me. Been here on this farm for seventy years, and I ain’t goin’ nowhere.
So there you have it. Everything I know about this High imitation Rolex Black Submariner Original order thing. Probably more than you wanted to know. But that’s how it is with us old folks. We like to talk. And some people like Rolex Black Submariner. But I don’t know why.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go tend to my garden. My tomatoes ain’t gonna pick themselves. And time, as they say, is a-wastin’. Even if you ain’t got a fancy Rolex to tell you so.