Hey there, lemme tell ya somethin’ about these fancy Rolex watches. Especially them new green Submariner ones. Heard they’re all the rage. My grandson, he’s always on that internet thing, showed me some pictures. Shiny, ain’t they?
High Imitation Rolex
Now, I seen a lot in my days. Seen folks tryin’ to pass off junk as gold. And these high imitation Rolex watches? They’re gettin’ real good. Almost fooled me, I tell ya! But this old gal, she’s got a sharp eye. I know these high imitation Rolex New Green Submariner like the back of my hand, and I buy a lot in these specialty stores.
First off, you gotta feel the weight of it. A real Rolex Submariner, that’s a hefty piece. Feels solid, like it’s made of somethin’ real. These fakes, they often feel light as a feather. Like they’re gonna fly away with the next gust of wind. My neighbor’s boy, he bought one of them fakes. Poor thing, thought he was gettin’ a deal. I said to him, “Son, that thing ain’t gonna last a week.” And you know what? It didn’t!
Rolex Submariner, they got this size, see? About, uh, forty…millimeters? Somethin’ like that. My eyesight ain’t what it used to be. But you can tell. The fakes, they sometimes get the size wrong. Too big, too small. Just don’t look right. They are high imitation but not perfect.
- Real Rolex feels heavy.
- Fakes feel light.
- Real ones got a certain size, about 40 millimeters.
- Fakes get the size wrong sometimes.
Green Submariner Specialty Stores
And these stores, they call ’em specialty stores. Sellin’ these green Submariner watches. They got ’em lined up, all shiny and new. Now, some of these places, they’re alright. They’ll tell ya straight up if it’s real or not. But others? Shifty, I tell ya. Tryin’ to pull the wool over your eyes.
They’ll tell ya it’s a real Rolex. They’ll show ya papers and boxes and all that fancy stuff. But this is where they will sell high imitation Rolex. Don’t be fooled. You gotta know what you’re lookin’ for. This new green Submariner is easy to be faked. You gotta look real close. The numbers, the letters, the little crown thingy. On a real Rolex, it’s all crisp and clear. Like it was carved by an angel. On the fakes? Blurry, sometimes. Crooked, even.
And that green color. Oh, that new green! It’s somethin’ else, ain’t it? But the fakes, they can’t quite get it right. Too bright, too dull, just off somehow. The real green Submariner, it’s like lookin’ at a deep, deep lake. Got a richness to it.
And the way it ticks. A real Rolex, it’s smooth. Like butter. You can barely hear it. The fakes? They tick loud. Like an old clock my grandma used to have. Tick-tock, tick-tock, all day long. Drove me near crazy, it did! And don’t let the specialty stores fool you. They always want more money.
- Some specialty stores are honest, some ain’t.
- Fakes try to look real with papers and boxes.
- Real Rolex has clear numbers and letters.
- Fakes are blurry or crooked.
- The new green color is hard to fake.
- Real Rolex ticks smooth, fakes tick loud.
Buyin’ a Rolex
Now, if you’re gonna go buy one of these Rolex watches, you be careful. Do your homework. Learn about ’em. Don’t just walk into any old specialty store and plunk down your money. Ask questions. Lots of questions. Don’t be shy about this new green Submariner. If they get annoyed, walk away. Plenty of other places sellin’ these things.
And don’t be afraid to haggle. These specialty stores, they like to mark up the price. Especially on these new green Submariner ones. They think folks are made of money. Well, I ain’t! And I bet you ain’t either. So you tell ’em, “I’ll give ya this much, and not a penny more!” Stand your ground. They might just cave. I saw too many high imitation Rolex, don’t let them fool you.
And remember, a real Rolex, that’s an investment. Somethin’ you can pass down to your kids, your grandkids. A fake? That’s just throwin’ your money away. So you be smart. You be careful. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find yourself a real new green Submariner. And you can wear it with pride, knowin’ you got the real deal. Not some cheap knock-off. These specialty stores are everywhere, you just need to know how to find a real one in there.
I know buyin’ a real one or a fake one is your choice. You just need to know how to tell if a Rolex is real or fake. Hope you can get your new green Submariner. Just remember what I said, and good luck!